Tuesday 13 May 2014

Magazine Cover.

- Pink/white/orange are the main colours. Pink has connotations of being ‘girly’ so from this, the intended audience is women. Also pink is seen as a stereotypical girl colour, so the colours used will attract females, and catch their eye which will then entice them to read the magazine. Also these colours are bright against the white background, so this makes the colours stand out even more, which makes the cover even more eye catching to the audience. 
 The fonts uses as well, are simple and bold, which makes the magazine effective and the way that they have advertised certain puffs on the magazine, like with the number 7, they have it in quite a playful font which links with the cover story the 7 is related to.

- The are various enigma codes, for example, the cover line which states ‘the interview that will change your mind’; when an audience reads this they will want to read the actual article as part of them will want to know what it is or what’s in the interview that will make them change their mind. It gives the reader the impression that the magazine knows something that they don’t and this will then intrigue them to read the magazine and then have that information. This links with the main image, as there is obviously an idea about Miley and who is she, so people already have opinions on her, so it links with the image and how this magazine will change their opinion on her.

- The main image used is of Miley Cyrus, a young women who is quite popular and has had a lot of controversy surrounding her, but to some she is seen a strong young women, so an idol. The pose that she is in is a powerful type of pose, her hips are out slightly, arms are folded, this has connotations that she is asserting herself, this would make sense in a women’s magazine as women want to feel strong and be able to stand up for themselves. She is also looking slightly sexual, so showing that even though she’s powerful, she’s attractive as well. This also gives connotations that she is trying to lure in the audience with the way that she is giving direct eye contact with the camera.

- The mode of address for this magazine is friendly, and almost personal. The wording that they’ve used, for example they’ve used ‘phew’ as a sub cover line underneath the cover which gives the impression that as the reader is looking over the cover, they notice this things, and it’s almost like they are talking to a friend.

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