Sunday 15 September 2013


Skins represents sexuality both negatively and positively, as it shows teenagers acting out and testing their sexuality. It shows sexuality negatively as it shows teenage pregnancy, as well as showing characters struggling with coming to terms with the sexuality that they are (for example, in series 3/4, Naomi was coming to terms with the fact that she was in love with Emily, and her fighting these feelings). But then, Skins, also shows sexuality positively, through characters like Effy and Cook, who are both sexually confident, and through that are confident in who they are.
 By doing this, the producers have shown many different forms of sexuality in the world today, as Skins features heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals, therefore it shows a wide range. By showing this, it means that viewers are more open to these things and are less likely to judge as they see the sexuality through the persons eyes, rather than through their own.

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